Reduce Your External Attack Surface

Tackle cyber risks faster with an attacker’s viewpoint on your external assets and security issues.

How it works
How it works

Identify external assets

Find and maintain a complete inventory of your Internet-facing assets and associated technologies as your infrastructure expands.

Discover more true assets faster

Prioritize security issues

Evaluate issues and vulnerabilities based on severity, relevance, and the number and criticality of affected assets.

Identify critical security gaps

Plan and execute remediation

Plan remediation tasks, send alerts to task owners, and monitor progress.

Plan and automate remediation
  • High-Confidence, Accelerated Discovery

    Superior Coverage

    Discover twice as many assets and a greater number of attack vectors.

  • Laser-Focused Attack Surface Reduction

    Detailed Reporting

    View your infrastructure’s overall health at a glance and drill down on each issue.

  • Real-Time Monitoring

    Third-Party Integrations

    Integrate into your existing project management and ticketing systems.

What security experts say

  • We constantly release new digital products. Attaxion automatically tracks our new assets and vulnerabilities, saving us a lot of time.

    Director of IT Operations

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See how Attaxion can help you take control of your external attack surface.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform