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Using EASM Together With the Mitre ATT&CK Framework
External Attack Surface Management (EASM) platforms and attackers employ similar reconnaissance techniques for scanning an organization’s[...]
10 Critical Attack Surface Metrics to Track
Let’s face it. Cybersecurity has become a top concern not just for security and IT teams but for organizations as a whol[...]
Technology Vulnerability Management Process with EASM
Technology Vulnerability Management Process with EASM Modern cybersecurity solutions allow you to partially automate vul[...]
How BOD 23-01 Can Enhance Federal Network Asset Visibility and Vulnerability Detection
It’s no secret that governments are prime cyber attack targets the world over. And why not? They hold very sensitive inf[...]
The New SEC Rules and What They Mean for CISOs
The onslaught of cyber attacks in the past years has prompted government agencies to take the lead in improving cybersec[...]
What Does the Threat Landscape Look Like According to the 2024 Verizon DBIR?
When we know what threats we’re up against, we can prepare better. For this reason, reports like Verizon’s annual Data B[...]
Detecting the Top 25 CWEs with EASM
Everything happens for a reason. For most vulnerabilities on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list, the re[...]
The Importance of Asset Attribution to External Attack Surface Management
The prevalence of cyber attacks has become a harsh reality. A study shows that 69% of organizations have fallen victim t[...]
NIS 2 Compliance: From Asset Discovery to Risk Management
No entity across industries and regions is safe from cyber attacks. The European Union (EU) Agency for Cybersecurity (EN[...]
Using EASM Together With the Mitre ATT&CK Framework
External Attack Surface Management (EASM) platforms and attackers employ similar reconnaissance techniques for sca[...]
Securing ISO 27001 Compliance: Attack Surface and Risk Management Essentials
Building customer trust takes a lot of hard work, and a single security incident can jeopardize it all. In fact, IBM[...]
OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities Detection through EASM
Threat actors strategically capitalize on their knowledge of existing vulnerabilities to target susceptible victims. The[...]
Overcoming the Top SOC Analysis Challenges with EASM
A day in the life of a security operations center (SOC) analyst likely involves sifting through mountains of data and al[...]
What Does Effective External Attack Surface Management in 2024 Entail?
Defending against external threats has become more critical than ever given that outsiders are said to be responsible fo[...]
Your Digital Supply Chain Is Expanding Your Attack Surface
As organizations increasingly rely on third-party vendors and suppliers for their day-to-day operations, their digital e[...]
Scaling Up? 4 Critical Questions to Manage Your Expanding Attack Surface
Standing still is not an option for organizations that want to succeed. Companies must constantly strive for growth by e[...]
Vulnerability Assessment: Types and Methodology
Vulnerability assessment identifies and evaluates security issues in digital systems and infrastructures that can potent[...]
Active and Passive Vulnerability Scanning: What Is the Difference?
Vulnerability scanning is an integral part of attack surface analysis, helping security teams identify security issues,[...]
Types of Web Application Attacks
Web applications are a prime cyber attack target because they often contain sensitive data, such as customer information[...]
4 Common Network Vulnerabilities
Although threat actors aim to take advantage of the latest vulnerabilities, there are also recurring weak aspects of net[...]
Penetration Testing versus Vulnerability Scanning: How Do They Differ?
Penetration testing or pentesting for short and vulnerability scanning are critical processes that help organizations id[...]
How to Find Vulnerabilities in a Website
Website vulnerabilities are exploitable weaknesses that allow attackers to access data without authorization, steal sens[...]
CWE Vs. CVE Vs. CVSS: What Are the Differences?
When protecting your digital infrastructure from threats, it’s critical to become familiar with security standards like[...]
How Are Attack Vectors and Attack Surfaces Related?
Attack vectors and attack surfaces are deeply intertwined cybersecurity concepts. In a nutshell, an attack surface is th[...]