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External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform

#1 Attack Surface Coverage for Any Security Budget

We help security teams automate control over their entire external attack surface with unmatched value per asset scanned.

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Effective EASM at Every Step

  • Discovery
  • Prioritization
  • Remediation
  • Monitoring
  • Discover more external assets faster

    Uncover Internet-facing assets using AI-powered discovery, along with their vulnerabilities, connections, and technologies.

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    Discover more true assets faster
  • Identify critical security gaps

    Prioritize security issues based on their severity, exploitability, and potential impact.

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    Identify critical security gaps
  • Plan and automate remediation

    Analyze security weaknesses, automate the allocation of remediation tasks, and monitor progress.

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    Plan and automate remediation
  • Continuously monitor your attack surface

    Track new assets and issues with machine learning as your digital perimeter and the threat landscape evolve.

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    Continuously Monitor Your Attack Surface


more total assets found


as many unique assets found


asset types tracked

Beat attackers at their own game with Attaxion.

Get a real-time inventory of your exposed assets, at a fraction of the cost of alternative EASM solutions.

Solutions per Use Case and Industry

Use case


  • Reduce Your External Attack Surface

    Continually eliminate pressing attack vectors in your expanding digital perimeter.

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  • Enhance Shadow IT Visibility

    Discover unsanctioned, forgotten, and misconfigured assets before attackers can exploit them.

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  • Dynamic Risk Scoring

    Manage Your Threat Exposure

    Proactively identify exposed assets and address the critical issues affecting your security posture.

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  • Assess Mergers and Acquisitions Risks

    Obtain insights into target candidates’ security posture and inherited cyber risks.

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  • Mitigate M&A Risks Efficiently

    Financial Services

    Safeguard financial data from breaches and other threats.

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  • Proactively Protect Customer Data

    Online Retail

    Secure customer data and business operations.

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  • Uncover Various Types of Security Gaps and Issues

    IT and SaaS

    Keep hosted applications and connected IT infrastructures safe.

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  • Arm against Advanced Persistent Threats


    Guard the nation and critical infrastructures against persistent threats.

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  • Comply with Healthcare Regulations


    Protect patient data and connected medical systems.

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  • Avoid Operational and Reputational Damage


    Avoid business interruption, IP theft, and PII leaks.

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What security experts say

  • Attaxion found assets we didn't know existed. The platform also identifies new assets and security issues over time and provides useful context.

    Information Security Officer

  • Setting up Attaxion was very straightforward. The automated scanning of our web assets and prioritization of critical vulnerabilities save our security analysts many workhours.

    Director of IT Operations

Start 30-Day Free Trial

Hassle-free setup and rapid scan results. Start analyzing your attack surface today.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform