IT and SaaS

Identify all external assets and address security gaps in hosted applications and IT environments.

How it works
How it works

Detect all exposed assets, including cloud-hosted shadow IT

Find and catalog all known and unknown assets and their technologies across your Internet-facing applications and systems.

Uncover and prioritize security issues

Prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact on application development and performance.

Identify critical security gaps

Track and tackle emerging risks

Continuously find new assets and address emerging security issues in your public-facing IT environment.

Plan and automate remediation
  • Uncover Various Types of Security Gaps and Issues

    Complete Inventory

    Access dedicated catalogs of your Internet-facing assets and their issues.

  • Pay Attention to What Matters, Not False Positives

    Cloud Provider Integration

    Monitor known and unknown cloud assets across popular cloud providers.

  • Take Targeted Steps to Reduce Your Attack Surface

    Detailed Reporting

    Review your overall security posture and drill down on each issue.

What security experts say

  • We constantly release new digital products. Attaxion automatically tracks our new assets and vulnerabilities, saving us a lot of time.

    Director of IT Operations

See Attaxion in Action

Schedule a customized demo to see how Attaxion can help you take control of your attack surface.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform