Assess Mergers and Acquisitions Risks

Gain full visibility over target companies’ attack surface and address inherited cyber risks.

How it works

Assess M&A candidates’ attack surface

Uncover the external assets and assess the overall security posture of target companies.

Continuously Monitor Your Attack Surface

Evaluate inherited security weaknesses

Dive into the security issues of newly acquired companies and their web-facing infrastructure.

Identify critical security gaps

Remediate post-acquisition cyber risks

Efficiently manage remediation activities as your digital perimeter expands and risk exposure increases.

Plan and automate remediation
  • Enriched Due Diligence

    Superior Coverage

    Discover twice as many assets across a broader range of categories.

  • Accelerated M&A Risk Discovery

    Deeper Context

    Know each issue’s CWE or CVE ID, recommended fixes, and remediation status.

  • Mitigate M&A Risks Efficiently

    C-Level Reporting

    Assess the risk exposure of each target or acquired company at a glance.

What security experts say

  • Attaxion found assets we didn't know existed. The platform also identifies new assets and security issues over time and provides useful context.

    Information Security Officer

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Hassle-free setup and rapid scan results. Start analyzing your attack surface today.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform